Origin Story of Farmstead’s Mail-In Ash Scattering Service

People often ask, “How did you decide to begin a mail-in ash scattering service?” The story begins during an annual card game marathon event with a specific game called 500. The card game, 500, is a family staple and commonly played in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area where my parents grew up.

My paternal grandmother taught all of us to play various card games, but 500 was one of her favorites. To this day, when that side of the family gets together, someone will inevitably break out a deck of cards.

What Is The Game of 500?

History of The Game

500 began in the early 1900s in America, and is still popular in Ohio and Pennsylvania. It is also the national card game of Australia.

500 is slightly more complicated than Euchre, and a lot less complicated than Bridge, but has similarities to both games. It is played with a regular deck of cards, but you take out the 2’s and 3’s and use one of the jokers.

There are four players around a table with opposing players forming a team. Ten cards are dealt around the table dealing a group of cards at a time, typically following a 3-4-3 or 2-3-2-3 pattern. While dealing, the dealer also places five cards in the middle of the table which is called the “widow” or the “kitty.”

Getting Started

The person to the left of the dealer begins the bidding to determine a contract of how many “tricks” will be won and in what suit. Once the hand commences after the bidding, each player will lay down a card in the middle and the highest card identified as part of the contract is a “trick.”

A bidding contract ranges from 7-10 out of ten possible tricks. The contract also identifies a suit such as spades, clubs, diamonds, or hearts. So, a typical contract or bid may be something like, 7 hearts. This means you and your partner must take 7 tricks to win the points, and hearts are considered the highest suit for this hand, also known as trump.

If the bidder’s contract is 8 spades, then they must take 8 tricks with spades being the trump suit. As bidding commences, certain suits are higher than others for points. Hearts are the highest, followed by diamonds, clubs, and spades. Higher than all of those is a contract called no-trump where no special suit is called and just the highest card wins the trick.

How Does This Game Influence The Origin of Farmstead Scattering Garden?

There are several variations of this game, but it is easy to learn in just one evening of play. That makes this game a perfect card night game.

Those who enjoy strategy will find it challenging enough to keep your brain moving. Those who are there for fun can enjoy a relaxing game even if distracted by chitchat and snacks. My mom started playing 500 the first Monday of every month in 1970 and continued until 2022 when dementia made it too frustrating for her to play.

I started being a substitute player in the Card Club when I was twelve, and I became a full-time member when I moved back to the area in 2000.

In 2021, I began hosting a 500 card game marathon where I invite 21 of my favorite community card-playing folks to play in one of three time slots with two tables playing in each time slot.

Each time slot has 8 participants, and playing a two-table progressive style means that every player will play four hands of 500 in each of seven rounds of play changing out partners each round. Time slots are 9am-12pm, 1pm-4pm, and 5pm-8pm.

I play in each one of the time slots which means I have played 84 hands of cards by the end of the day. It is fun to see everyone from year to year. I have family that come in from as far away as Michigan to play and reminisce.

This year, I was commenting that I have been collecting the ashes of my deceased loved ones. Some of these are waiting for other loved ones to pass so we can spread their ashes on our farm together.

The farm has been in my husband’s family since 1963, and the family generally agrees that it is as close to perfect a place could be boasting pastures, woods, streams, and plenty of memories made and many still to be made. We are so fortunate to have so many family close by, and it started me wondering if people may like to find a peaceful resting place on our working farm by scattering their ashes as well, even if they are far away. That is how Farmstead Scattering Garden got its start.

Making Ash Scattering Simple and Meaningful

With Farmstead Scattering Garden, you can mail cremated remains from anywhere in the United States, and our farm family can create an afterlife farming legacy for your loved ones. We will honor your loved one by scattering their ashes on our working farm at your chosen location, with photos and updates on our Farmstead Scattering Garden Facebook page so you can enjoy the beautiful views and adventures. Learn more today.

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